They provide you with details of the menu system (GUI) that are usually out-dated or poorly written, but anything to do with scripts or automation on the back end are not documented at all and usually even the Pronto support is unaware of features or what certain fields do.Į.g To create a user it simply runs a script that passes a few different parameters to an internal batch in Pronto, when we asked about this module so we could automate user creation when an AD account is created their response was 'Oh the guy who wrote that part didn't document it so we don't really have any idea how to pass the correct parameters.' - Thats pretty much the story of them to be honest. You better hope if users are using it remotely that your connections are ROCK solid, any sort of network issues and your left with orphaned processes and DB locks that need to manually be cleared (we currently use Windows terminal servers for users to connect to to maintain sessions on a disconnect).Īs far as the admin side, my god what a shit fight! There is literally NO technical documentation provided. It is a decent system in user operation, as long as your business is prepared to change their processes to match the way Pronto does things.