The shapefile format is actually made up of at least three files with the same name but with the extensions *.shp, *.shx, and *.dbf. This file format originated with Esri’s old ArcView software and remains a common exchange format for many software programs. osm.pbf denote OSM’s Protocolbuffer Binary Format (PBF), a more efficient, smaller file format intended to replace the XML format files. OpenStreetMap, a crowdsourcing GIS data project, denotes. KMZ files are zipped files containing a main KML file and associated support files. KML was originally used for viewing geographic data in Google Earth but since its adoption by the OGC, has become more widespread as a GIS data exchange format.
Originally developed by Keyhole and then acquired by Google, KML files are now an Open Geospatial Consortium standard. This is the recommended native file format by Esri for data storage for ArcGIS. Vector files are GIS data files that represent point, line, or polygon data.Įsri’s geodatabase file format is noted by files with a.